Grant Title: SEDGE - Forked deployment of DFX on Base
Author: SEDGE Dev
Grant Description: Building a frontend application to interact with a Base deployment of DFX. Very simple swap process with USDC/EURC only for now.
Grant Goals and Impact: Gets a simple deployment of DFX on Base to start moving funds between USD and EUR using Base. Base has an active community that could service a lot of users.
- Deployment of smart contract
- Deployment of frontend
- Enabling liquidity deposit and withdraw for USDC/EURC
- Enabling swaps for USDC/EURC
- Adding new stablecoin pairings
Funding Request:
- 100,000 DFX for initial development and deployment of USDC/EURC pool
- 50,000 DFX to add a new stablecoin pair
- 10,000 DFX per month for on-going maintenance up to 1 year
Wallet Address (to receive the grant): 0x0e1e59a56694bd5fc54ee3df3d92e5789f7feebe